PERIOD POVERTY = Not having the knowledge or funds to access safe period products.
1 in 4 people who menstruate in the UK are forced to leave school or work because of period poverty.
In mid 2019 I ran a campaign at the University of West England to supply free sanitary products in order to prevent period poverty in the UK. The campaign consisted of me using a portion of my student loan to stock sanitary products across all campuses at UWE, Bristol with hand-printed boxes. This gained large media attention, resulting in myself discussing the importance on media platforms such as BBC, ITV etc. In result, UWE, Bristol declared they would supply free sanitary products and be active campaigners against period poverty.

Period Poverty Campaign
with Bloody Good Period
I’m back up to my old tricks but this time with the help of Bloody Good Period (BGP)
In recent months BGP have received an influx of requests for period products from university students! These items are ESSENTIAL for anyone who menstruates - and a lack of access has a huge impact on an individual’s self-esteem and mental health, and, of course, on a student’s ability to fully participate in their studies.
BGP are currently working 5-6 times their pre-COVID capacity, so they simply don’t have the resources to supply universities as well.
We believe universities should be providing period products to their students, as part of their duty of care towards them.
Students have already suffered from the chaos, uncertainty and stress of results and clearing, from the major limitations on usual student life, and the collapse of the job market, making financial hardships a reality for far too many.
Join our #BloodyStudents campaign by writing to university vice-chancellors and MPs to call on universities to step in and provide these essential products.
You can download the template letters to help you HERE: